O.M.G. - Original Music Game
*For the best experience we recommend playing this game on a smartphone web browser (make sure your phone is not on silent/vibrate mode, this may cause the game sound to mute). For keyboard controls see section below*
O.M.G. is a rhythm game where you tap buttons on your flip phone keypad in time with the beat. Numbers will slide across the message bar from right to left. Tap the button as it reaches the center of the "send" icon to earn points. Timing accuracy is awarded from "Ok" to "Cute" to "Cool".
Submitted for Girly Game Jam 2025 (Opposites Attract)
I wanted to try my hand at developing a title primarily for smartphones with this game jam. The idea I ended up with was a game influenced by early 2000's SMS culture that is played on modern devices. This is also my first time making a rhythm game, though luckily arlez80's Midi plugin made it pretty easy to get something running. I had some issues getting the exported game to run on iOS with Godot 4.1 so I ended up writing this project using 3.3 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Keyboard controls use the right-side Numpad to simulate a phone keypad. Since most keyboards use the calculator layout for the Numpad, the numbers are inverted to match the phone layout. To revert the controls back to the calculator layout, press 0 at any time during the game.
- Phone 1, 2, 3 - Numpad (7, 8, 9) -or- (Q, W, E)
- Phone 4, 5, 6 - Numpad (4, 5, 6) -or- (A, S, D)
- Phone 7, 8, 9 - Numpad (1, 2, 3) -or- (Z, X, C)
- Invert Numpad - Numpad 0 -or- Keyboard 0
- Phone 1, 2, 3 - Numpad (1, 2, 3)
- Phone 7, 8, 9 - Numpad (7, 8, 9)
- Phone 1, 2, 3 - Numpad (1, 2, 3)
Godot Midi plugin developed by arlez80
Song: "Telephone" originally written by Lady Gaga, arrangement by DandyFsh
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